A space to share my art and creativity
A collection of artwork
Customized Paintings
Reproduction of artwork
Restoration of paintings
Customized Paintings of your spirit guides
Basic Drawing
Acrylic Techniques
Art Composition, Elements and Principles
Art Etiquette
Fun events to help you unleash your artistic talents
Mandala Coloring
Zentangle Art
Vision Board
Boost your creative side
Creative Thinking
Problem Solving
Get Out of Your box!
I love art and everything related to it. I am a firm believer in cretivity and that we should make it a daily part of our lives. I love paintign and sharing my paintings. I believe that paintings should be happy ann inspire joy and aliveness. So I use bald and strong colors and combine them in a way that will invoke happy feelings. I provide all kinds of art services: ready paintings, customized paintings, restoration and reproduction. I love combining art with spirituality and so I also enjoy channeling your spirit guides and painting them for you.
I also believe that we all have an artistic side whether we know it or not. I love helping people discover their artistic side. Therefore, I love to teach drawing and painting. I also love organizing artistic gatherings where we do stuff related to art such as coloring Mandalas, doing Zentagle art or simply crating vision boards.
My favorite concept is creativity. I love teaching creative thinking and problem solving techniques, organizing creativity stimulating events and promoting creativity as an essential part of ur lives.